Ayurveda is described as one of the oldest traditional medical systems of mankind, which has its origin in the land of ancient Indian subcontinent. It has a history of more than 5000 years. In Sanskrit, a word AYURVEDA literally means "the science of life". This science of healing system deals with the relationship of human body parts and their function with nature. The vast knowledge of Ayurveda came to light through authenticated compilations and writings of Agnivesha and Charaka Samhita, two Hindu philosophical teachers.
Ayurveda believes that the entire universe is made up of water, earth, fire, air and space. These five elements are believed to form three different humors such as Vata dosha, Pitta dosha and Kapha dosha. These three are further believed to form seven tissues (Satpadatuvulu), tissue fluids (Rasa), fat and connective tissues (Meda), blood (Rakta), bones (Asthi), marrow (Majja), muscles (Mamsa) and semen (Shukra) and three Malas (waste products) viz. Purisha (feces), Mutra (urine) and Sweda (sweat) of the body. For good health of the body, a balance should be maintained between the three doshas and other factors. Ayurveda also explains that any disease manifestation or body ailment or abnormality in the body functioning occurs when the natural healing of the body is impaired. Various approaches are recommended, including dietary changes, use of herbs and massage, and cleansing practices to heal and restore balance to the physiology.
Meanwhile, West has advanced his healing processes through innovative concepts and modern technology to alleviate a range of health problems. Currently, Western healing approaches and Eastern (Indian) traditional healing approaches are increasingly going hand in hand throughout the world.
Bioloving uses these synergies of innovation and tradition with diverse solutions for a healthy, sustainable lifestyle in combination with active prevention.